NATIONAL ![]() Joining the Communist Party in 1939, he became a member of the Central Committee of the united Communist Party in 1951, a member of the Partys central secretariat in 1958 and was a member of the Polit Bureau of the CPI(M) since 1964 till his death. Comrade AKG made significant contributions to building of peoples movement under the leadership of the CPI(M) and mass organisations of toiling people specially of peasantry and agricultural workers. For over two decades till his death he was President of the All India Kisan Sabha. From 1952, except for 1957-62, Comrade AKG was the leader of the Opposition in Parliament, respected and listened to with attention by all. Entering the political arena as a humble Congress volunteer in the early twenties, Comrade AKG stood in the leading ranks of the freedom struggle and traversed the same path which the radical youth of those days took the revolutionary path through the Congress Socialist Party to the Communist Party of India spending many years in jail or haunted by police. At the time of the split in the Communist Party, Comrade AKG was among the leaders who worked tirelessly to reorganise the Communist Party of India (Marxist) on the basis of Marxism-Leninism. Comrade A.K. Gopalan played an outstanding role along with Comrade E.M.S. Namboodiripad and the late Comrade Krishna Pilllai in building up workers, and peasants, organisations in Kerala under the auspices of the Congress and building up a left leadership of the provincial Congress committee - all of which stood in good stead for the Communist movement in the state in later years. Wherever the people had problems, wherever they were victims of police repression, Comrade AKG would rush to their aid whether it was the peasantry fighting against betterment levy in Punjab or the peasants of the Hill Ranges of Kerala fighting against evictions, whether it was the people of Maharashtra fighting for Samyukta Maharashtra or the people of Gujarat fighting for Mahagujarat. After the leonine violence of the Congress rulers in 1948-50 against the Communist movement and the common people it was Comrade AKG who broke this terror in worst affected areas of Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Kerala. Age and illness never deterred him. Only five-six months ago he was visiting the plantations in Kerala where the workers had to face brutal repression after their strike, and Cannanore district where the police and Congress goondas had unleashed a reign of terror against the people. It was in Cannanore that finally his illness overtook him and he never recovered from it. |
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